Deep and tailored search methodology
Local, regional or global market map
100% success rate. When we say we will fill your critical hire, we mean it.
12 month rebate as standard
Simple fee structure weighted towards success
Define objectives, requirements and culture
Develop assignment specification, compensation and executives profile
Develop search process, assessment criteria, timeframes and target organisations
Market mapping
Name generation
Review target profiles with client
Candidate approaches, evaluation and behavioural assessments
Detailed Discover interviews including technical, behavioural competencies and cultural fit
Conduct initial referencing
Present shortlist report for client review
Schedule candidate and client interviews
In-depth feedback meetings
Conduct final interviews
Manage offer process with preferred candidate
Extend offer and manage resignation / counter-offer
Complete referencing and debrief unsuccessful candidates
Search debrief and feedback
Settling in phase; regular follow ups and candidate engagement
6 month success review
12 month success review
All supported by an Industry leading 12 month guarantee
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